$OCTANE listing on PancakeSwap

We are super thrilled to announce that Octane’s IDO has been successfully concluded. Wouldn’t have been possible without our awesome community and great IDO partners.
Token Details
Ticker: $OCTANE
Octane Token Contract Address: 0x5416AB2B4B5a40F740B67a83dc5939591B5c08BE
Max Supply: 100,000,000 OCTANE
Initial Circulating Supply: ~4,818,707 OCTANE
Public Sale Price: 0.33 BUSD
$OCTANE token is listed on PancakeSwap. You can buy the token from here (https://pancakeswap.finance/info/pool/0x39bfae0c96bdc69dc657e381c272997f66cbf9c1).
Checkout dextools graph here: https://www.dextools.io/app/bsc/pair-explorer/0x39bfae0c96bdc69dc657e381c272997f66cbf9c1
Learn more about how to buy tokens from PancakeSwap here. Token tracking will soon be listed on Coingecko and CMC.
Provide Liquidity to OCTANE/BUSD pool
You can add liquidity to OCTANE/BUSD pool and earn 0.25% trading fees from PancakeSwap. You can learn more about how to add liquidity on PancakeSwap here.
Please make sure you select the correct OCTANE token contract address to add liquidity to OCTANE/BUSD pool.
OCTANE/BUSD Liquidity Mining Rewards
We will be soon starting $OCTANE liquidity mining program for liquidity providers of OCTANE/BUSD pool. Stay tuned for further updates.
Mainnet Release
We are focused on building the mainnet beta app which is scheduled to launch in early October.
Join Our Community!
We want you to be a very keen player in our ecosystem! Come and join us in our telegram group.
🔈 Stay updated about the project here 🔈
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*Octane Protocol Token (OCTANE) is a means by which users may utilize and govern the protocol. OCTANE token should not be purchased for speculative investment purposes. OCTANE tokens may lose value or have no value and may have no market.*