Sun-setting Octane — Shutting down the Website

Octane Finance
2 min readApr 5, 2024


Dear Degens,

We would like to announce the sunset of Octane. This decision comes after an extensive evaluation of the protocol usage. Despite our best marketing efforts, we didn’t garner the required protocol participation to make it a viable, sustainable platform.

Octane Finance dApp revolutionized limit orders, making them smarter and more rewarding, offering added benefits of DeFi.

We will be shutting down the front-end website and all support related to the dApp. However, all contracts will remain live on BSC indefinitely, and you can continue to use them. Please note that no further support will be provided for updating or enhancing the contracts, so use them with caution and at your own risk.

Core Protocol Contracts

Octane : 0x563AF5Db2Ad4d22A9807D65F14aE88F71101A2bd

VenusHandler : 0x7d90d28CbB835735B410835B176BEb0F70104a93

PancakeSwapHandler : 0x6071D90610871873BD2Ff810462B26f1486308c1

WBNB : 0xbb4cdb9cbd36b01bd1cbaebf2de08d9173bc095c

BUSD : 0xe9e7CEA3DedcA5984780Bafc599bD69ADd087D56

In a true community-driven spirit, we are open-sourcing the entire contract codebase so that anyone can carry forward the mission. You can find the contract codebase here:

(If you are not able to access the link search on IPFS using CIDN No: QmP24H1suQJwnPxB6UaBwDPLoWQXLrLz9hWdTiFq5DTv7U)

As we progress with the sunset of Octane, here are some essential details:

Closure Date: Octane will close its domain, front end, Telegram channels, and any other support mediums by April 28th, 2024. The service will remain available until then.

Support: We are committed to supporting you during this transition. Our support team will be available to assist you until April 28th, 2024. Please reach out to our Telegram channel for any queries or assistance.

Octane Token: Team wont be supporting Octane token. No airdrops or rewards will be given from now on. The community is free to figure out the use cases & do something innovative.

Pending Orders: For users with any pending limit orders, please contact us on the Telegram group for resolution.

We embarked on this journey with immense hope, envisioning a solution that would meet your needs and enrich your experiences. Regrettably, we haven’t been able to achieve the desired level of engagement and support to continue offering Octane’s dApp in a sustainable manner.

Please remove any funds associated with the protocol before domain closure, else you’ll have to directly interact with the contracts to remove funds.

Thank you for being part of the Octane community. We sincerely appreciate all your support.

Warm Sayonara,

Team Octane

